Implementing an IOS Push Notification client with Golang

03 Aug 2014

So you want to send push notifications to your IOS app. Starting out the whole process can seem a bit daunting. The APNS service from Apple has a lot of little quirks that can make the process a bit difficult to grasp. Here we'll walk through the basics of connecting to Apple's gateway service and how to correctly send push notifications. Disclaimer For the most part, you probably should use a third party service like Urban Airship if you're going to be sending a lot of push notifications. There are good reasons to implement this on your own, those being cost, control, performance, etc… but they do a great job of minimizing risk to you and your infrastructure and chances are it may actually be cheaper.

##Overview Apple's push notification service (APNS) is setup for high throughput communication and this is clearly evident in the way you communicate with their servers (a binary format over a socket). In contrast, Google and Microsoft do their push notifications using HTTP. While simpler, HTTP is much slower.

The basic setup goes like this: * Create a TLS socket to Apple using your push keys * To send a push, write payload information in binary to socket * If an error occurs Apple will write information to socket about the error * Note any pushes sent after the error occured will need to be resent

Note on error handling

Due to this format being about throughput first, error handling becomes a bit more complicated. Essentially Apple doesn't tell you that a push notification was sent successfully, they only tell you that a push notification wasn't sent successfully and due to the fact that you don't get an immediate response you may (probably) will have to replay some of the messages that were sent after the message that caused the error. This can be tricky to synchronize but golang channels help out a lot here.


go-libapns is a full featured implementation of the ideas below and is a good place to start to look at the intricacies of building out all of the features required of a compliant APNS client. If you don't wish to delve into the internals below, check out the lib and feel free to use, modify, clone, etc…

Step 1. Creating a socket with your pem files

Basically we just need to create a socket and then do a TLS handshake with it.

package main
import (

func createSocket() net.Conn {
    certBytes := ioutil.ReadFile("path/to/cert.pem")
    keyBytes := ioutil.Readfile("path/to/key.pem")

    x509Cert, err := tls.X509KeyPair(certBytes, keyBytes)
    if err != nil {
        //failed to validate key pair

    tlsConf := &tls.Config{
        Certificates: []tls.Certificate{x509Cert},
        ServerName:   "",

    tcpSocket, err := net.Dial("tcp", "")
    if err != nil {
        //failed to connect to gateway

    tlsSocket := tls.Client(tcpSocket, tlsConf)
    err = tlsSocket.Handshake()
    if err != nil {
        //failed to handshake with tls information

    return tlsSocket

func main() {
    socket := createSocket()

At this point, you have a socket ready to go, now we just need to setup reading and writing to it.

Step 2. Writing to the socket

We'll create a goroutine who's sole purpose is to manage writes to our socket. To do this, we'll also need a channel to talk to that goroutine. The channel will accept push notification objects (simplified for this example). Those push notification objects will be converted to binary frames to be written to Apple.

package main
import (

type PushNotification struct {
    AlertText   string
    Token       string
    id          uint32

func (pn *PushNotification) toBytes() []byte {
    buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
    frameBuffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
    token, err := hex.DecodeString(pn.Token)
    if err != nil {
        //Failed to decode token
    payloadBytes := []byte("{\"aps\":{\"alert\":" + pn.AlertText + "}}")

    //write token
    binary.Write(buffer, binary.BigEndian, uint8(1))
    binary.Write(buffer, binary.BigEndian, uint16(32))
    binary.Write(buffer, binary.BigEndian, token)

    //write payload
    binary.Write(buffer, binary.BigEndian, uint8(2))
    binary.Write(buffer, binary.BigEndian, uint16(len(payloadBytes)))
    binary.Write(buffer, binary.BigEndian, payloadBytes)

    //write push notification id
    binary.Write(buffer, binary.BigEndian, uint8(3))
    binary.Write(buffer, binary.BigEndian, uint16(4))
    binary.Write(buffer, binary.BigEndian,

    //write header info and item info for frame
    binary.Write(frameBuffer, binary.BigEndian, uint8(2))
    binary.Write(frameBuffer, binary.BigEndian, uint32(buffer.Len()))

    return frameBuffer.Bytes()

func socketWriter(sendChan chan *PushNotification, socket net.Conn) {
    nextId := uint32(0)
    for pn := range sendChan { = nextId

func createSocket() net.Conn {...}

func main() {
    socket := createSocket()
    sendChan := make(chan *PushNotification)

    go socketWriter(sendChan, socket)

So pretty simple, there's a function that turns our push notification objects into a byte array as per Apple's guidelines. We then write those bytes to the socket. Note you may have noticed the notification id, this is for error handling a bit later…

Step 3. Listening for socket close/errors

To listen for errors, we need another goroutine. That goroutine will attempt to read from the socket and will write to a channel when the connection is closed or a response is received from Apple. This also means a slight change to our socket writer to kill it if the socket is closed. We also need a new type to indicate why the connection was closed.

package main
import (

type SocketClosed struct {
    //Internal ID of the message that caused the error
    MessageID uint32
    //Error code returned by Apple
    ErrorCode uint8

type PushNotification struct {...}

func (pn *PushNotification) toBytes() []byte {...}

func socketReader(errChan chan *SocketClosed, socket net.Conn) {
    buffer := make([]byte, 6, 6)
    _, err := socket.Read(buffer)
    if err != nil {
        //the socket was closed but nothing was read
        errChan <- &SocketClosed{
            ErrorCode:   10,
            MessageID:   0,
    } else {
        //apple sent us a response
        messageId := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(buffer[2:])
        errChan <- &SocketClosed{
            ErrorCode:   uint8(buffer[1]),
            MessageID:   messageId,

func socketWriter(sendChan chan *PushNotification, errChan chan *SocketClosed, socket net.Conn) {
    nextId := uint32(0)
    shouldClose := false
    for {
        if shouldClose {
        select {
            case pn := <- sendChan:
       = nextId
            case err := <- errChan:
                shouldClose = true

func createSocket() net.Conn {...}

func main() {
    socket := createSocket()
    sendChan := make(chan *PushNotification)
    errChan := make(chan *SocketClosed)

    go socketReader(errChan, socket)
    go socketWriter(sendChan, errChan, socket)

Step 4. Handling replaying messages

At this point, we just need a little bit of tidying up to be able to handle replaying messages. First we need to keep track of the messages that are "in flight". Second, on error we need to search for any messages that were sent after the error message so that we can do something with them.

package main
import (

type SocketClosed struct {...}

type PushNotification struct {...}

type WriterClosed struct {
    //what caused the writer to close
    SocketClosedObj     *SocketClosed
    //any unsent notifications
    UnsentNotifications *list.List

func (pn *PushNotification) toBytes() []byte {...}

func socketReader(errChan chan *SocketClosed, socket net.Conn) {...}

func socketWriter(sendChan chan *PushNotification, errChan chan *SocketClosed, 
        writerClosedChan chan *WriterClosed, socket net.Conn) {
    inFlightNotifications = list.New()
    nextId := uint32(1)
    shouldClose := false
    var socketClosed *SocketClosed
    for {
        if shouldClose {
        select {
            case pn := <- sendChan:
       = nextId

                //check to see if we've overrun our buffer
                //if so, remove one from the buffer
                if inFlightNotifications.Len() > 1000 {

            case socketClosed = <- errChan:
                shouldClose = true

    unsentNotifications := list.New()
    if socketClosed.MessageID > 0 {
        //we received error
        for e := inFlightNotifications.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
            pn := e.Value.(*PushNotification)
            if == socketClosed.MessageID {

    writerClosedChan <- &WriterClosed {
        SocketClosedObj: socketClosed,
        UnsentNotifications: unsentNotifications,

func createSocket() net.Conn {...}

func main() {
    socket := createSocket()
    sendChan := make(chan *PushNotification)
    errChan := make(chan *SocketClosed)
    writerClosedChan := make(chan *WriterClosed)

    go socketReader(errChan, socket)
    go socketWriter(sendChan, errChan, writerClosedChan, socket)

Step 5. Putting it all together

So we've got the basics covered, socket connection, writing to the socket, listening for socket close or error, and getting a list of unsent notifications when the connection closes. Now we just need to send some push notifications! To do this all we need to do is put some push notification objects onto our send channel. We also need to listen for the writer to close.

package main
import (

type SocketClosed struct {...}

type PushNotification struct {...}

type WriterClosed struct {...}

func (pn *PushNotification) toBytes() []byte {...}

func socketReader(errChan chan *SocketClosed, socket net.Conn) {...}

func socketWriter(sendChan chan *PushNotification, errChan chan *SocketClosed, 
        writerClosedChan chan *WriterClosed, socket net.Conn) {...}

func createSocket() net.Conn {...}

func main() {
    socket := createSocket()
    sendChan := make(chan *PushNotification)
    errChan := make(chan *SocketClosed)
    writerClosedChan := make(chan *WriterClosed)

    go socketReader(errChan, socket)
    go socketWriter(sendChan, errChan, writerClosedChan, socket)

    //write some push notifications
    shouldStopWriting := false
    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
        if shouldStopWriting {
        select {
            case sendChan <- &PushNotification {
                    AlertText: "Hello World!",
                    Token: <a token>,
            case writerClosed := <- writerClosedChan:
                shouldStopWriting := true
                //do something with unsent notifications

Step 6. Doing it right

Whew, so that was a lot of code and a lot of things to think about. Unfortunately the work isn't done yet and raises some more questions.

  • How do we wrap this up into a nice library?
  • What do we do with list of unsent notifications?
  • Do you wait for a period after sending to see if an error comes in?
  • How do we handle Nagling in the socket layer?
  • How do we implement all the other fields allowed by the APNS service?

Basically these tend to be implementation specific and can't be covered in a general way and are left to the reader to implement.

Why does this have to be so complicated?

The main motivation for Apple to build a system like this is to create a stable, robust communication spec that is high throughput and efficient for Apple and people implementing the APNS spec. This means the use cases of sending 5-10-100 push notifications have been glossed over for the use cases of sending 100,000 push notifications at a time.

What have we learned?

The APNS spec is a bit tricky, but when it comes down to it, the spec isn't really that hard to implement. With a little work we've got a good start towards being able to build a robust and pretty efficient APNS client. And hopefully this gives some insight into how one might go about building a similar client in another language.

Things I've Learned